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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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Stage review: ‘My Fair Lady’ is a revival worth revisiting

“My Fair Lady” has arrived in Spokane, reminding us all why Broadway keeps reviving this 100-year-old play, (inspired by an ancient Greek legend, no less), about an impoverished guttersnipe of a girl who is plucked from the streets and transformed into a high-class woman of substance.

A&E >  Stage

Young, bright star of ‘My Fair Lady’ talks on iconic role of Eliza Doolittle

The Spokesman-Review had an opportunity to chat with Anette Barrios-Torres, the 23-year-old star of “My Fair Lady,” which runs from Tuesday through April 7 at the First Interstate Center for the Arts. Below are excerpts from the interview with the Miami native, who landed the iconic role of Eliza Doolittle just two weeks after graduating from Oklahoma City University last spring.
A&E >  Stage

‘I Thought I Knew You’ went through festival, selection committee and workshop before coming to life at Stage Left Theater

On Christmas morning in 2020, Anthony Quinn Warner detonated a bomb in his RV in Nashville, killing himself and injuring eight. It is believed that Warner’s thoughts on a variety of conspiracy theories, including those related to Sept. 11, 2001, the moon landing and lizard people, contributed to his motives for the bombing.