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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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Biden renews push for student loan debt relief

President Joe Biden is making a fresh attempt to secure student loan debt relief for millions of borrowers, including waiving interest payments on some loans and canceling debt for those who have been in repayment for two decades.
News >  Nation/World

At a cemetery in West Virginia, a massive landslide wiped out more than a hundred headstones. What happens next isn’t clear.

The thick, brown swath of mud and debris cut starkly across the neatly trimmed green hillside. Days of rain last week pushed creeks and streams over their banks, but it thoroughly saturated the ground, too. And eventually the steep incline along Fairmont Avenue in Wheeling let loose, sending hunks of hillside and mud downward.
News >  Nation

Democratic Group to Spend $186 Million Aiming to Win Back House Majority

House Majority PAC, the Democratic super political action committee allied with Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y., the House minority leader, said Sunday that it would spend $186 million on television and digital advertisements for this year's elections – the largest early investment in the group's history.