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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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News >  Health

NBA legend John Stockton sues Washington AG’s office over COVID bans

Basketball legend John Stockton has taken his disdain for COVID-19 restrictions to a federal courtroom, initiating a lawsuit with other plaintiffs against the Washington State Office of the Attorney General over pandemic rules that restrict doctors from speaking against “the mainstream Covid narrative.”

News >  Health

Lisa Jarvis: Going ‘California sober’ may be bad for your heart

The evidence is mounting that your daily toke can be bad for your heart. A large new study in the Journal of the American Heart Association found that the more often someone partakes in cannabis, the higher their risk of heart disease, heart attack or stroke. Daily users had a 25% higher chance of having a heart attack and 42% higher odds of a stroke than non-users.
News >  Health

How drinking coffee may lower your risk for diabetes

Decades ago, many scientists believed that drinking coffee was bad for your health. But coffee has experienced a remarkable turnaround. Study after study has found that enjoying a daily cup or two of Joe – either caffeinated or decaffeinated – may lengthen your life span and lower risk for chronic disease.
News >  Health

New to Spokane, man with chest pains bypassed two hospitals before reaching north side ER

Moving here from San Diego in 2019 just before COVID, Chris Kelly didn't know many of Spokane's landmarks or its roads when he most needed those bearings. Now 53, Kelly felt sudden chest pains in March that proved to be a heart attack. He's since recovered after a stent procedure, but on that day, Kelly didn't realize the severity of his condition. He's now quick to urge people to do what he should have: Seek a ride to emergency care and ask for directions.
News >  Health

Spokane site begins checking drugs to reduce overdoses: ‘People will look at this as enabling, but we’re saving lives’

A downtown Spokane site has joined a statewide drug-checking network aimed at reducing overdoses. It's also a glimpse into what's new in illicit drug supplies. In recent months, fentanyl powder has shown up as a substance more potent than fentanyl pills. Hints showed last summer of the powerful veterinary sedative xylazine, sometimes mixed with illegal fentanyl. Compassionate Addiction Treatment, a barrier-free drug treatment center, began nearly a year ago to test small samples of drugs, anonymously and voluntarily given by people who come to the center. The statewide network is led by the Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute at the University of Washington.