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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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News >  Military

U.S. signals it is open to withdrawing some troops from Iraq

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin signaled on Thursday an openness to reducing the U.S. military presence in Iraq, saying meetings set to begin soon between leaders from the two countries will enable a “transition to an enduring bilateral security partnership" that builds on years of joint operations against the Islamic State.
News >  Military

The Army said tank blasts don’t harm troops. His case raises doubts.

Christian Beyer worked around the ground-shaking blasts of one of the Army's most powerful weapons -- the M1 Abrams tank -- for 23 years. And for nearly all that time, he was a model soldier, given awards for meritorious service and promoted all the way up to master sergeant in charge of training young tank crews. Then in 2020, at age 38, he started to fall apart.
News >  Military

Army vet with cancer fulfills bucket-list goal: Firing a tank gun one more time

Jay Tenison's grim diagnosis came in early 2022. The abdominal pains he had experienced over the previous year were signs of terminal stomach cancer. When the shock subsided, the 40-year-old Army veteran planned out a bucket list. It covered some conventional thrills and experiences: skydiving, vacations to the beach and trips to Disney World. But there was something else Tenison decided he wanted to do. Something only a fellow tanker would understand.