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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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News >  Home and garden

Is your backyard birdhouse a death trap? How to give birds safe shelter

I wanted to build a first-class home. Small enough to be cozy, but big enough to raise a family. I needed an ideal location, near a wooded area, with a natural supermarket nearby. And the design should be simple, crafted entirely out of wood. While I was worried about the cost, I needn’t have been. I finished building mine for about $5 in materials in an afternoon.

News >  Home and garden

5 places to clean with a toothbrush

The humble toothbrush can help with a whole lot more than just your dental hygiene. When it comes to scrubbing clean some of the toughest-to-reach spots around the home, experts say it’s often an ideal cleaning tool. In most cases, even your old one will do.
News >  Home and garden

Blue one of the hues for spring decor

When one thinks of spring, what colors come to mind? Perhaps pink, yellow and of course blue. Blue is not only one of the most popular colors, it can also be an ideal color for spring. Looking for ways to utilize blue into your spring décor? Here are some tips. Use tints tints, tones and shades of blue. It is OK to mix -- for example, to pair light blue and indigo. Integrate blue accents ...
News >  Home and garden

Gardening: Community gardens are a place to cultivate vegetables and friendships

Mid-March is the perfect time to start warm season vegetables indoors. Plants like tomato, eggplant and peppers started now will be ready to plant out at the end of May when we are less likely to get a frost. There is still time to start cool season vegetables like cabbage, onions, cauliflower and broccoli but don’t wait too long as these crops need cooler spring weather to grow properly.
News >  Home and garden

Ask the Builder: Don’t sign contracts for unneeded work

Two days before writing this column, I saved an Ohio homeowner $30,000. He had stumbled across my website, and he saw that I consult with readers on the phone. Water was ponding against his house foundation, and he was considering signing a contract with a waterproofing company for the above amount.
News >  Home and garden

Ask the Builder: Beware egotistical and closed-minded contractors

A few weeks ago, I shared a true story with you about my failed asphalt shingle roof. If you remember, it had a 30-year warranty, and after just 12 years it began to experience catastrophic failure. Looking back now, I shared the wrong photograph with you. I showed you a picture of my daughter’s new roof with copper strips on it. I should have shown you the photo of the Tilton, New Hampshire, post office roof. That photo accompanies this column.
News >  Home and garden

5 steps to an organized dresser, according to the pros

When it comes to choosing organizing projects, the areas that scream chaos tend to get the most attention: Think junk drawers, closets and garages. But there are plenty of hidden pain points – such as your dresser – that also could use some love. Fishing through a tangle of clothes and random objects every time you need something can quickly turn into a major drag. With a little planning, though, you can restore order to these pits of despair.
News >  Home and garden

Not ready for an ‘ugly lawn’? Try this instead.

This year, a Tasmanian yard that hadn’t been watered in 10 years and featured a dead brushtail possum won the title of ugliest lawn in the world. The contest, organized by the island of Gotland in Sweden, rewards those who turn over their yards to nature to save water and change the world’s perception of the ideal lawn.
News >  Home and garden

How to grow a beautiful indoor succulent garden

It's no surprise that succulents, including cactuses, are popular. These easy-care houseplants come in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, making them perfect for any home. All you need is a lot of light and benign neglect to raise healthy and beautiful succulents. Place the plants near an unobstructed south-, west- or east-facing window. Don't let a lack of light stop you from enjoying ...